今天的英文克漏字主要內容是在講述迪士尼樂園創辦人Walt Disney的故事,這次克漏字考題基本上多是考文法題,四題裡面就有三題是考文法,看不懂全文也不影響做答喔!考生不妨自己試著練習做答看看,不清楚的地方再來看英銘老師的解析內容喔!
When his two daughters were growing up, Walt Disney often
accompanied them to local amusement parks on Sunday. There he
noticed that the youngsters entertained __1__ quite easily but the
adults had little to do. To his way of thinking, a park should appeal
__2__ the sense of wonder and exploration (to the child) in everyone.
His vision __3__ a reality on July 17, 1955, when Disneyland opened
in Anaheim, California. Now, it’s the start of a new millennium, and
“the little park that Walt built ”is celebrating forty-five years of magic
with ongoing festivities, including a dazzling new parade, that __4__
on the true stars of this long-running show: the incomparable Disney
characters. Disneyland has grown and changed over the past
forty-five years. Attractions have come and gone, but the park’s
appeal has remained constant.
( ) 1. (A) herself (B) himself (C) themselves (D) ourselves
( ) 2. (A) to (B) for (C) at (D) with
( ) 3. (A) becomes (B) became (C) become (D) has become
( ) 4. (A) focuses (B) focused (C) focusing (D) focus
第1題:這題是考代名詞的用法,空格前有“the youngsters”,反身代名詞要用 “themselves”,所以答案是(C)。
詳細解析 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.76-克漏字篇