

Professor Thomas Glass is an expert in public health, who has

studied social responses to disasters for more than a decade. When

he was asked __1__ disaster brings out the worst in people, he said

the following. “The answer has to be no. __2__, disasters tend to

bring out the best in us. From an evolutionary point of view, it almost

has to be this way. As recent as our grandparents’ __3__ and going

back 150,000 years to the beginning of human kind, disasters were a

dime a dozen. Human beings survived ice ages, famine, attacks

from rival groups, predation from animals, infection—and we didn’t

survive __4__ we were strong or fast. We survived as a species

because in catastrophe, we tended to be very resourceful and

cooperative. If it were the case that disaster brought out the worst in

us, I don’t think we would be here.”

(  ) 1. (A) what  (B) which  (C) whether  (D) whatever

(  ) 2. (A) In fact  (B) In turn  (C) As a result  (D) As you know

(  ) 3. (A) geometry  (B) genetics  (C) generosity  (D) generation

(  ) 4. (A) so  (B) but  (C) still  (D) because


第1題:這題是考名詞子句的用法,“disaster brings out the worst in people”(災難給人們帶來了最壞的情況),這是句意完整句,所以答案是(C)。


disaster  n.  災難   (always)

Natural disaster causes some animals to die out.


同義:casualty, calamity, misfortune, mishap, catastrophe.

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