Can fashion save the world? Believe it or not, that’s a mission
that more and more designers are setting out to accomplish. Just as
U2 frontman Bono and Brad Pitt are using their star status to help end
third-world poverty through campaigns like ONE—which calls for
__1__ aid to and debt cancellation for the world’s poorest
countries—and Irish rock-turned-humanitarian Sir Bob Geldof just
organized the Live 8 free concert series to garner the attention of G8
Summit leaders for the same reason, fashion is __2__. Greater
numbers of people are wearing the white rubber bands __3__ MAKE
POVERTY HISTORY and ONE, and now designers
are producing ambitious collections with a social conscience.
Perhaps it’s in an effort to justify the materialism of this industry
and to counter the __4__ consumerism that fashion often fosters, or
maybe it’s a reaction to a more troubled and unstable time in the
world right now.
( ) 1. (A) blocking (B) blocked (C) broaching (D) broached
( ) 2. (A) following suit (B) falling behind
(C) fooling around (D) falling apart
( ) 3. (A) that write (B) that read (C) to write (D) to read
( ) 4. (A) conservative (B) connubial (C) consequent (D) conspicuous
block v. 阻塞(擋、止) n. 街區、障礙 (always)
A high rise blocked our view.
The cinema is two blocks away.
The chief stumbling block to his promotion is his lack of seniority.
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