A new study from the Johnson Research Center may shed light
on why some people like salt more than others. The results suggest
that a person’s __1__ for salty taste may be related to how much they
weighed when they were born. In a journal article, the researchers of
the study report that individual differences in salty taste acceptance
by two-month old infants are __2__ related to birth weight: lighter
birth weight infants show __3__ acceptance of salt-water solutions
than do babies who were heavier at birth.
A __4__ relationship was found in a subset of the same children
at preschool age, suggesting that the relationship between salty taste
preference and birth weight persists at least through early childhood,
a critical time for the formation of flavor and food preferences.
( ) 1. (A) looking (B) hiding (C) liking (D) searching
( ) 2. (A) hardly (B) inversely (C) rarely (D) diversely
( ) 3. (A) some (B) no (C) less (D) greater
( ) 4. (A) similar (B) temporal (C) friendly (D) common
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