

(  ) If we are prone to burst into tears after only a few harsh words about our character or achievements, it may be because the approval of others forms an essential part of our capacity to believe that we are right.

(A) We are inclined to feel bad about ourselves because we lack the capacity to do the right thing.

(B) We may easily feel vulnerable because the sense of frustration about our character or achievements is an essential part of us.

(C) We are inclined to feel bad about ourselves because the way others see us determines how we think of ourselves.

(D) Our vulnerability lies in our lack of capacity to fight against others’ relentless view of what we are.


Step 1:瀏覽句意,找出主結構,“it may be because the approval of others forms an essential part of our capacity to believe that we are right.” (這可能是因為別人的讚許,形成我們能力的一個重要部分,去相信我們是對的)。

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