John suffers from depression .He doesn’t know what causes his
depression. __1__, he doesn’t know what to do about it. Movies,
__2__, and other fun things don’t seem to affect the way he feels.
For a long time, John didn’t know that he was depressed. He just
thought that he was a naturally __3__ person. When he told his doctor
about it, he found out that he had many of the __4__ of depression.
He usually lacked energy, he sometimes stayed in bed for whole days
at a time, and he often didn’t feel like eating.
But John’s doctor told him that depression is a common
problem, one that he sees all the time. And he helped John choose
the best treatment. Now John is taking some medicine that helps him
feel less depressed.
( ) 1. (A) Instead (B) Moreover (C) Nonetheless (D) However
( ) 2. (A) quizzes (B) parties (C) studies (D) errands
( ) 3. (A) intelligent (B) positive (C) unhappy (D) talkative
( ) 4. (A) diagnosis (B) prescriptions (C) symptoms (D) treatments
instead adv. 反而 (always)
Francis didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.
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