What is the challenge of the university? When it is best
understood, the challenge of the university reveals itself more as an
opportunity than a competition between adversaries. It is an
opportunity for students to earn an education by challenging
themselves to meet the standards set by the university in a range of
academic programs. Successfully meeting this demand moves
students closer to their goals. Thus, the more open to the challenge,
the more likely students are to succeed.
How can students know whether they are open or not? Here are
some useful indicators of openness. Students should demonstrate
the ability to give critical and rational consideration to ideas and
values that differ from their own, even when those ideas and values
push them to the edges of their comfort zone. Besides, students
should examine their own core beliefs and values, which are often
culture-based. A reasonable tolerance for uncertainty is also
necessary. That is, they do not need to have an answer for everything
all the time. Last but not least, students should have the courage to
risk and accept being wrong and at the same time to learn from the
( ) 1. Which statement best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
(A) The capacity for openness is essential for meeting the challenge of the university.
(B) The purpose of attending the university is to meet the standards set by the university.
(C) Self-examination and tolerance help students enjoy the challenge of the university.
(D) Universities offer a chance for students to compete for their individual goals.
( ) 2. In the first paragraph, the word “adversaries” means _____.
(A) opponents (B) supporters (C) acquaintances (D) colleagues
更多內容請參考 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.36-閱讀測驗篇