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(  ) Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts director Malcolm Rogers got a hard time from his critics, not for accepting Lauren’s automobiles, but for succumbing to his public relations machinery.

(A) Rogers was criticized for being influenced by Lauren’s public relations strategies.

(B) Rogers was criticized for being biased against Lauren’s automobiles.

(C) Rogers had a hard time accepting Lauren’s automobiles and his public relations machinery.

(D) Being good at public relations, Rogers gave a good review of Lauren’s automobiles.



完整解析 請參考 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.85-句意解析篇

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閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱讀測驗的解題並不難,記得先從題目看起,再去看文章。如果是與題目無關的句子,不要浪費太多時間去鑽研,這樣還可以節省作答的時間。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Valentine’s Day” (情人節),所以文章一定是與情人節有關。

Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. People

often give flowers, chocolates, and they send Valentine’s cards as

well. Lots of people take their loved one for a romantic meal, to th

theater, or even on a special Valentine holiday! But until recently


message-writing was always the most important Valentine’s

tradition. Good love is always about good communication. Today,

many people think that Valentine’s Day is too easy and too

commercial. Card shops sell Valentine cards every year, and people

spend a lot of money on chocolates and sweets! Sending a text


message by mobile phone is even easier! But really romantic people

can always find unusual and personal ways to say “I love you” on this

special day.

(  ) 1. Why is Valentine’s Day the most romantic day of the year?

(A) It’s a day to get married.               (B) It’s a day for lovers.

(C) It’s a day to thank people around you.    (D) It’s a day for world peace.

(  ) 2. Why do some people think that Valentine’s Day is too commercial?

(A) People send messages to each other.

(B) People talk too much on Valentine’s Day.

(C) People spend too much on Valentine gifts.

(D) People have to buy mobile phones.

(  ) 3. According to this passage, _____ is more important than Valentine presents.

(A) a card shop             (B) a mobile phone

(C) a Valentine holiday      (D) good communication between lovers

(  ) 4. What is the most important Valentine’s Day tradition, according to the passage?

(A) A romantic meal.                 (B) A visit to the theater.

(C) Sending a message to a loved one.   (D) Buying a box of chocolate.


英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Valentine’s Day” (情人節),所以文章一定是與情人節有關。


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(  ) Clerk: What would you like, sir?

Customer: Two Double Cheese Burgers.

Clerk: OK, that’ll be $12.00 even.

Customer: _____

Clerk: Thank you, sir. Next, please.

(A) Give me five.  (B) Here you are.  (C) Excuse me.  (D) Is that all?


店員: 先生,請問你要什麼?

客人: 兩個雙層起司漢堡。

店員: 好的,正好12元。

客人: _____

店員: 謝謝,下一位。

(A) 好啊!(相互擊掌,以示鼓勵)    (B) 給你。

(C) 很抱歉。                     (D) 就這麼多嗎?


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詳細解析 請參考國考專門店 安東尼國考國文大補帖NO.68─文化認知,題辭

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Men and women often have different ideas of what’s

important—and at what point “important” topics should be raised. A

woman told me, with lingering astonishment, of a conversation with

her boyfriend. Knowing he had seen his friend Oliver, she asked,


“What’s new with Oliver?” He replied, “Nothing.” __­1__, later in the

conversation it came out that Oliver and his girlfriend had decided to

get married. “That’s nothing?” the woman gasped in disbelief.

For men, “Nothing” may be a ritual __2­__ at the start of a

conversation. A college woman missed her brother but rarely called


him because she found it difficult to get talk going. A __­3__

conversation began with her asking, “What’s up with you?” and his

replying, “Nothing.” Hearing his “Nothing” as meaning “There is

nothing personal I want to talk about,” she supplied talk by filling him

in on her news and __4­__ hung up in frustration. But when she


thought back, she remembered that later in the conversation he had

mumbled, “Christie and I got into another fight.” This came so late

and so low that she didn’t pick up on it. And he was probably equally

frustrated that she didn’t.

(  ) 1. (A) However  (B) Although  (C) Besides  (D) Moreover

(  ) 2. (A) conflict  (B) entertainment  (C) greeting  (D) response

(  ) 3. (A) controversial  (B) typical  (C) logical  (D) comical

(  ) 4. (A) merrily  (B) initially  (C) fundamentally  (D) eventually



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完整解析 請參考 國考專門店 安東尼國考國文大補帖NO.68─文學鑑賞

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今天的英文文法題目,這題是考時態及“go + Ving”的用法!時間的連接詞“the first time”(第一次),後面要用過去式。趕緊來試答看看

(  ) The first time John _____, he did not dare to go down the hill.

(A) go skiing  (B) went skiing  (C) went to ski  (D) went and skied


這題是考時態及“go + Ving”的用法。

時間的連接詞“the first time”(第一次),後面要用過去式。go + Ving,代表休閒娛樂。故答案是(B)。

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(  ) The maximum _____ in a taxi in this country is four people, and as there are six of us, we’ll have to take two taxis.

(A) capability  (B) capacity  (C) anticipation  (D) participation


always 此單字經常出現在國考英文試題當中,要特別注意!

often  此單字近2~3年內出現在國考英文試題當中。

sometimes 此單字近4~5年內出現在國考英文試題當中。


capability  n.  能力、潛力        (always)

Cory has no capability to do the job properly.


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答案是(A) 話說得很動聽,臉色裝得很和善,可是一點也不誠懇。

詳細解析請參考 國考專門店 安東尼國考國文大補帖NO.68─語文應用:成語/字音

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今天又來到考生比較不喜歡的閱讀測驗囉,其實閱讀測驗的的解題並不難,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容,例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Americans” (美國人)、“melting pot” (文化鎔爐),所以文章一定是跟美國人自己認為是文化鎔爐有關

Americans have a belief in a “melting pot” myth and heritage.

They are inclined to forget that many other countries are also “nations

of immigrants” and that their numbers are dramatically increasing. In

the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, early


colonists from Europe, and later, immigrants from other continents,

overwhelmed indigenous populations. In each country, immigration

has continued contributing not only to national ethnic mixes but

maintaining or enlarging the proportion of the population that is

foreign born. In Australia, as one example, that population in 2006


equaled 25%; in Canada, it was 18%.

The trend of ethnic mixing is certain to continue and accelerate.

Cross-border movements of migrants and refugees in Africa, Asia,

the Americas, as well as in Europe, are continuing common

occurrences, reflecting growing incidences of ethnic strife, civil wars,


famines, and economic hardships. But of even greater long-term

influence are the growing disparities in population numbers and

economic wealth between the older developed states and the

developing worlds. The population of the world’s poorer countries is

growing twice as fast as Europe’s of the late 19th century, when


massive groups of immigrants moved to North America. The current

rich world, whose population is projected to stabilize well below 1.5

billion, will increasingly be a magnet for those from poorer countries

where numbers will rise about 4 billion to reach a number which will

probably be more than 6.5 billion by 2025 A.D., and to nearly 8 billion


in a half-century. The economic and population pressures building in

the developing worlds insure greater international and

inter-continental migration and a rapid expansion in the numbers of

“nations of immigrants.”

(  ) 1. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?

(A) Americans’ belief in a “melting pot” myth and heritage.

(B) The impacts of immigrants on indigenous populations.

(C) The link between immigration and national mixes.

(D) Growing foreign-born populations in developed countries.

(  ) 2. What does paragraph 2 mainly discuss?

(A) The impacts of growing numbers of immigrants on developed countries

(B) Cross-border movements of migrants and refugees around the world

(C) Growing gaps in health between developed and developing countries

(D) The comparison of population growth rates between rich and poorer countries

(  ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem caused by ethnic mixing?

(A) civil wars  (B) racial conflicts (C) human diseases  (D) food shortages

(  ) 4. What does accelerate in paragraph 2 mean?

(A) cut off  (B) fall apart  (C) give in  (D) speed up


英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Americans” (美國人)、“melting pot” (文化鎔爐),所以文章一定是跟美國人自己認為是文化鎔爐有關。


詳細解析 請參考 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.84-閱讀測驗篇

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詳細解析 請參考國考專門店 安東尼國考國文大補帖NO.68─閱讀測驗,文言文

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(  ) Nora: Hey, John! Is that you?

John: Yes, it’s me.

Nora: Oh, it’s good to see you! Well, how are you getting along?

John: _____ I got married last month, and I just got a raise yesterday.

(A) Never mind!               (B) Couldn’t be better!

(C) I’ll try to do better next time. (D) Things have been going lousy with me.


Nora: 嗨,約翰!是你嗎?

John: 是我,沒錯。

Nora: 看到你真好,過得如何呀?

John: _____ 我上個月結婚了,而且昨天還獲得加薪喔。

(A) 沒關係!                    (B) 好到不能再好了。

(C) 我下一次會試著做得更好。    (D) 最近很糟糕。


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When small businesses start to grow, they move into bigger

offices and take on extra staff. __1__, their outgoings increase

sharply. They have a whole new level of expenses which have to

__2__. This, however, is the point where small businesses may __3__.


If they cannot raise money to help them tide over cash flow

problems, they will have to go bankrupt.

(  ) 1. (A) By chance  (B) As a result  (C) In contrast  (D) On the contrary

(  ) 2. (A) cover  (B) be covering  (C) be covered  (D) be going to cover

(  ) 3. (A) take turns  (B) go through  (C) make it big  (D) get into debt



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今天的文法題考的是考生非常非常容易混淆的動詞!lie lay 兩個單字三種不同的涵義的動詞該怎麼分別呢?看看英銘老師表格對照搞清楚喔囉!

(  ) After working day and night for three days, they have finally _____ the foundations of the new building.

(A) lay  (B) lain  (C) lied  (D) laid




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這次的文學鑑賞的考題出自鄭愁予的詩『編秋草』 ,問這首詩所表達的情感最接近答案選項中的哪一個,安東尼老師說,遇到這類考題,應該先抓關鍵詞,老師舉出這首詩的關鍵詞有「月兒圓」「都城過著聖節的歡樂」「想歸去」與「遊雲」,你知道這些關鍵詞各代表甚麼情感嗎?


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(  ) We planned to have a barbecue last night, but the temperature _____ in the afternoon. As a result, we ended up eating indoors with the heat turned on.

(A) ascended  (B) costumed  (C) plummeted  (D) soothed


always 此單字經常出現在國考英文試題當中,要特別注意!

often  此單字近2~3年內出現在國考英文試題當中。

sometimes 此單字近4~5年內出現在國考英文試題當中。


ascend  v.  上升、追溯                (always)

The smoke is ascending slowly to the sky.       


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完整解析 請參考 國考專門店安東尼國考國文大補帖NO.67─閱讀測驗,文言文

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(  ) Doctor: I have some news that you might find exciting. You’re pregnant!

Mary: No way!

Doctor: Yes, you’re going to have a baby.

Mary: Are you kidding me? Ah, I need a cigarette.

Doctor: _____ You need to stop smoking, and immediately.

(A) Here you are.                       (B) That’s the last thing you need.

(C) You can say that again.     (D) What is done can never be undone.


Doctor: 我要告訴你一個令人興奮的消息,妳懷孕了。

Mary: 不可能!

Doctor: 是的,你有小孩了。

Mary: 你在開我玩笑嗎?啊!我需要抽根菸。

Doctor: _____ 你要停止抽菸,立刻!

(A) 給你。         (B) 那是你最不需要的。

(C) 我同意。       (D) 木已成舟。


完整解析  請參考 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.83-對話篇

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The story of Thanksgiving is basically the story of the Pilgrims

and their thankful feast at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The Pilgrims came to the “New World” in 1620 on a ship called

the Mayflower for religious freedom. The 102 passengers __1__ the


66 days of a lethal voyage, and finally settled at a place called

Plymouth. Plymouth offered plenty of resources, but the Pilgrims

were __2__ ill-equipped to face the winter in this estranged place; as

a result, many settlers died. Luckily, the remaining ones were saved

when local Native Americans came to help them cultivate crops. They


__3__ went through the next year unharmed, but had enough food to

put away for the winter. However, a severe drought happened in the

third year __4__ the corns got damaged. The Pilgrim Governor thus

ordered a day of fasting and prayer, and rain followed soon.

November 29th of that year was therefore proclaimed a day of



(  ) 1. (A) survived  (B) influenced  (C) frightened  (D) decorated

(  ) 2. (A) hardly  (B) too  (C) such  (D) though

(  ) 3. (A) once  (B) whether  (C) even  (D) not only

(  ) 4. (A) whose  (B) which  (C) why  (D) when



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